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Partner with the Work-Based Learning Program

The Dade County Work-Based Learning and Youth Apprenticeship Program is an education option that prepares high school students for the world of work through a combination of academic and workplace learning. It is based on the belief that our youth must be better prepared for the future if they are to be successful in a competitive, global economy.

Work-Based Learning is learning that results from work experience designed to increase the knowledge and skills of the learner. The work experience is supplemented with instruction and activities that apply, reinforce, refine, or extend the learning that occurs during work, so that learners develop attitudes, knowledge, skills, and habits that might not develop solely from work experiences. Students continue to take coursework related to his/her career interest, but also being paid, on-the-job training or a non-paid internship through a structured workplace learning program.

See and sign up for the various ways in which you can partner with our WBL program to enrich our students' experiences. Also, visit our state WBL website for statewide information and initiatives.